Little Dribblers

How to Join

Everyone is welcome to join the Little Dribblers Football Club at any time.

Click any JOIN IT link then choose a venue in your area, choose a term, grade and team.
If you're new to Little Dribblers you'll need to -

  1. create an ACCOUNT,
  2. then create a player
  3. from there you can choose the venue, grade and register for a team.

The Join It Link will give you information such as term start dates, venues and show you team and grade

Make sure you check out the First Day Information Page

Kick Off times are allocated close to start date once player numbers and teams are finalised and an email every Friday will confirm the start times.

A general rule is - 

Morning Venues

  • 9:30am for Very Little Teams 
  • 10:00am for Little Teams
  • 10:30am for Middle Teams
  • 11:00am for Big Teams