Little Dribblers

Fees and Payments

Fees may vary from venue to venue but are generally from $80 per 10 week term plus an extra $60 for the team uniform. (Shirt, Shorts and Socks)

Under 2 Grade - First Term is FREE! (You will need a team uniform)

Payments can be made online or by cheque and should be paid immediately
Details are provided at the end of the registration process.

Cancelling your Registration

Please complete the details below to cancel your Registration.

If you've already paid then Refunds/Credits are available if, after 2-3 weeks attendance, the player/s don't want to be there. (NB: Fees only, uniforms are not refunded unfortunately)

Refunds are calculated weekly from the date the refund applucation is recieved.

Refunds are processed after week 4 of the term.

To apply for a refund and/or cancel a subscription do the following -

Send us an email with Little Dribbler's Refund in the subject.

Include this information.

  • Players Name
  • Invoice Number
  • Bank Account Number
  • Reason for Cancellation

A fee of $20 is applied to all cancellations to recover some of the cost of admin for processing the cancellation/refund, the cost of any sessions attended and processing of the team uniform. As per Terms and Conditions