Twilight Summer Football - WHS

Showing Season/Term: TW2024

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TW Tuesday 5:45 Mixed B Grade
Team played won drawn lost gd points form
1 The Goats 10 8 1 1 57 25 w w w w d
2 Rooney Tun 10 7 2 1 26 23 w l w d w
3 Hack and h 10 7 2 1 23 23 d w w w d
4 Superboro 10 7 0 3 22 21 w w w l w
5 System of 10 6 2 2 11 20 w l w d w
6 Xero Goals 11 5 1 5 -4 16 l w w l w
7 Scrambled 9 4 0 5 7 12 l w l w l
8 Giroud San 10 2 0 8 -14 6 l l l l l
9 Schindler' 9 2 0 7 -27 6 w l l l l
10 Guardians 11 1 2 8 -62 5 w l l l d
11 Cashatouil 10 0 2 8 -39 2 l l l l d
Latest Results
Scrambled Legs 2:7 Xero Goals View More Info
Guardians of the Cashlxy 1:1 Cashatouille View More Info
The Goats 3:3 Hack and hope View More Info
Giroud Sandstorm 1:6 System of a clown View More Info
Rooney Tunes 4:2 Schindler's Assist View More Info
Superboro FC 12:8 Xero Goals View More Info
Next Round
Round 10 - TW Tuesday 5:45 Mixed B Grade The Goats : Rooney Tunes 2024-03-26 17:45:00 - Field: Pitch 1
Round 10 - TW Tuesday 5:45 Mixed B Grade Hack and hope : Superboro FC 2024-03-26 17:45:00 - Field: Pitch 2
Round 10 - TW Tuesday 5:45 Mixed B Grade System of a clown : Xero Goals 2024-03-26 17:45:00 - Field: Pitch 3
Round 10 - TW Tuesday 5:45 Mixed B Grade Scrambled Legs : Giroud Sandstorm 2024-03-26 18:30:00 - Field: Pitch 1
Round 10 - TW Tuesday 5:45 Mixed B Grade Guardians of the Cashlxy : Cashatouille 2024-03-26 17:45:00 - Field: Pitch 4

Round - 1
Schindler's Assist 5:0 Guardians of the Cashlxy View More Info
Rooney Tunes 4:3 Giroud Sandstorm View More Info
Cashatouille 1:7 Hack and hope View More Info
Xero Goals 2:6 The Goats View More Info
Superboro FC 9:5 Giroud Sandstorm View More Info
Scrambled Legs 6:7 System of a clown View More Info
Round - 2
Hack and hope 4:7 Rooney Tunes View More Info
Schindler's Assist 2:3 Giroud Sandstorm View More Info
System of a clown 0:6 The Goats View More Info
Hack and hope 8:5 Guardians of the Cashlxy View More Info
Cashatouille 1:6 Scrambled Legs View More Info
Superboro FC 6:4 Xero Goals View More Info
Round - 3
Xero Goals 1:1 Cashatouille View More Info
Scrambled Legs 0:3 Hack and hope View More Info
Guardians of the Cashlxy 2:7 System of a clown View More Info
Giroud Sandstorm 7:1 Cashatouille View More Info
The Goats 12:0 Schindler's Assist View More Info
Rooney Tunes 5:2 The Goats View More Info
Round - 4
Rooney Tunes 8:0 Guardians of the Cashlxy View More Info
Giroud Sandstorm 4:10 The Goats View More Info
Rooney Tunes 1:1 Guardians of the Cashlxy View More Info
Guardians of the Cashlxy 3:19 Scrambled Legs View More Info
Schindler's Assist 1:2 Xero Goals View More Info
System of a clown 7:4 Cashatouille View More Info
Superboro FC 2:3 Hack and hope View More Info
Round - 5
The Goats 7:1 Superboro FC View More Info
Hack and hope 3:3 System of a clown View More Info
Cashatouille 5:6 Schindler's Assist View More Info
Xero Goals 1:2 System of a clown View More Info
Scrambled Legs 2:5 Rooney Tunes View More Info
Guardians of the Cashlxy 8:7 Giroud Sandstorm View More Info
Round - 6
The Goats 18:3 Guardians of the Cashlxy View More Info
Superboro FC 6:2 System of a clown View More Info
Schindler's Assist 2:11 Hack and hope View More Info
Rooney Tunes 1:2 Xero Goals View More Info
Giroud Sandstorm 4:5 Scrambled Legs View More Info
Superboro FC 6:1 Cashatouille View More Info
Round - 7
Guardians of the Cashlxy 0:10 Superboro FC View More Info
Scrambled Legs 1:6 The Goats View More Info
Xero Goals 3:2 Giroud Sandstorm View More Info
Cashatouille 0:7 Rooney Tunes View More Info
Hack and hope 5:3 Xero Goals View More Info
System of a clown 8:2 Schindler's Assist View More Info
Round - 8
Scrambled Legs 6:4 Superboro FC View More Info
Rooney Tunes 4:4 System of a clown View More Info
Schindler's Assist 4:6 Superboro FC View More Info
Hack and hope 3:1 Giroud Sandstorm View More Info
Cashatouille 1:7 The Goats View More Info
Xero Goals 6:5 Guardians of the Cashlxy View More Info
Round - 9
Scrambled Legs 2:7 Xero Goals View More Info
Superboro FC 12:8 Xero Goals View More Info
Rooney Tunes 4:2 Schindler's Assist View More Info
Giroud Sandstorm 1:6 System of a clown View More Info
The Goats 3:3 Hack and hope View More Info
Guardians of the Cashlxy 1:1 Cashatouille View More Info
Round - 10
The Goats : Rooney Tunes
Hack and hope : Superboro FC
System of a clown : Xero Goals
Scrambled Legs : Giroud Sandstorm
Schindler's Assist : Bye
Guardians of the Cashlxy : Cashatouille